C-dax postřikovač 50


SprayRider™ 50. SprayRider™ is designed and engineered specifically for the ATV, and represents the next generation in ATV Spot Sprayers. The new generation 50 litre tank is designed to fit even more ATV’s than ever before, while unique safety features such as a low centre of gravity, and internal tank baffle dramatically reduce the destabilising effect of liquid surge while the ATV is

SprayRider™ is designed and engineered specifically for the ATV, and represents the next generation in ATV Spot Sprayers. The new generation 50 litre tank is designed to fit even more ATV’s than ever before, while unique safety features such as a low centre of gravity, and internal tank baffle dramatically reduce the destabilising effect of liquid surge while the ATV is New Zealand based C-Dax Ltd, a specialist manufacture of ATV Accessories, sprayers, spraying, pasture meter, has pioneered innovative and practical agricultural capability for the ATV, enabling farmers to meet the challenges they face everyday. The C-Dax BoxMate is a robust and convenient storage box for easily keeping all your tools together and ensuring that you can perform any job or maintenance on the farm in a timely manner. Easily attached to the front or back of your ATV with the mounting hooks.

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2 dny. 660,33 Kč 2203 DAX JKT BG 001 n. Novinka 2203 DAX JKT B 001 n Shoptet.cz  Membránové čerpadlo, max. průtok 19 l/min., max.

další podkategorie Dům a zahrada:

C-Dax is the quintessential New Zealand success story-started from the back of a farm in Palmerston North over 25 years ago, we have gone from strength to strength. After initially building the brand within New Zealand and gaining a strong domestic market, over the past 10 years we have developed our exports focusing extensively on the C-Dax SPRAYRIDER 50 na predaj - Dánsko - Skladové č.: 884889 - Postrekovače trávnikov - Zariadenie pre údržbu golfových a športových - Mascus Slovensko New Zealand based C-Dax Ltd, a specialist manufacture of ATV Accessories, sprayers, spraying, pasture meter, has pioneered innovative and practical agricultural capability for the ATV, enabling farmers to meet the challenges they face everyday.

C-dax postřikovač 50

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C-dax postřikovač 50

The new generation 50 litre tank is designed to fit even more ATV’s than ever before, while unique safety features such as a low centre of gravity, and internal tank baffle dramatically reduce the destabilising effect of liquid surge while the ATV is New Zealand based C-Dax Ltd, a specialist manufacture of ATV Accessories, sprayers, spraying, pasture meter, has pioneered innovative and practical agricultural capability for the ATV, enabling farmers to meet the challenges they face everyday. The C-Dax BoxMate is a robust and convenient storage box for easily keeping all your tools together and ensuring that you can perform any job or maintenance on the farm in a timely manner. Easily attached to the front or back of your ATV with the mounting hooks. C-Dax February 9 at 1:00 AM · Designed Specifically for the ATV, Sprayrider is the perfect set up for preparing fields or pastures and the addition of a Multi Boom means you can set and control the spray from the handlebars. POSTŘIKOVAČ HUNTER PGP ULTRA 10 cm, 50 - 360° +12 trysek 398 Kč Nový PGP Ultra - nastavování výseku postřikování od 40 ° do 360 °.Zavlažování středně velkých travnatých ploch, zpravidla zahrad rodinných domů, nebo menších firemních areálů. Tlakové postřikovače: k doručení domů nebo na prodejnu. Nákup bez rizika: 28 dní na vrácení.

C-dax postřikovač 50

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C-dax postřikovač 50

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Vyrobeno z odolného kordura nylonu. Kód: 29014897. 2609 DAX PNT B 001 n. 2219 dax jkt bn 001 n Nepromokavá bunda DAX Rain Jacket. 2 dny.

C-dax postřikovač 50

Hodnocení produktu: 0%. 1.05 l. Zádový motorový rosič STIHL SR 200 - 27,2 cm3, 10 l, 7,8 kg Nejlehčí motorový rosič STIHL na trhu s hmotností 7,9 kg, 10 litrová nádrž, vhodný pro úzké řady stromů. Benzínový zádový postřikovač s objemem nádrže 15 litrů, max. tlak 1,5 - 2,5 Mpa Motorový zádový postřikovač Hecht 433 s 4-taktním motorem o obsahu 26 ccm.

2219 dax jkt bn 001 n Nepromokavá bunda DAX Rain Jacket. 2 dny. 660,33 Kč 2203 DAX JKT BG 001 n. Novinka 2203 DAX JKT B 001 n Shoptet.cz  Membránové čerpadlo, max. průtok 19 l/min., max.

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Tím se zajistí „nasávání“ aktivních chemikálií do povrchových partií betonu a tvorba těsnicích krystalů co nejhlouběji v betonové konstrukci. Ruční tlakový postřikovač o obsahu 5 litrů. Postřikovač 5l Venda.cz +420 226 210 524 info@ -50%. Truhlík velký s podmiskou 57cm var.1. Vinařský postřikovač na prodej - Vinařský postřikovač - Vous consultez actuellement la page 2 de Vinařský postřikovač - použité Sonstige Postřikovač vinic hledáte použité nebo nové? Kupujete nebo prodáváte Vaše(ho) Sonstige Postřikovač vinic na technikboerse.com, dem Marktplatz für gebrauchte Landmaschinen. další podkategorie Dům a zahrada: SprayRider™ 50.